After making over $100,000 in the last 27 months selling on whatsapp and helping 3,000+ regular people make at least 500k monthly
7 figure digital nomad coughs up everything he knows just to show how
Anyone with a “SMARTPHONE and WHATSAPP” can start making $500 – $1000 every month turning their whatsapp to daily alert machine even if you are not a social media freak or hate chatting online.
See Proof Below
You ONLY Need 2 hours A Day plus my stop rock – technique To Get Results!

Hey there,

I’m not good at guessing but I can correctly guess that if you read past the headline up till this point…

Chances are that you are either…


Well, whichever category you fall into, you are doing exactly what you are meant to be doing at the time which is reading the content written on this page

And if you don’t act like the majority of humans who can’t afford to spend time taking in information that will change their lives and click off…

You will finally be getting your hands on the exact help you’ve been searching for to give you the knowledge and opportunity to turn YOUR WHATSAPP into a cash printing machine, that will make you money daily, week, and monthly even while you are on vacation, relaxing, sleeping or catching cruise with friends.

You don’t have to believe me yet, JUST SEE THIS
Are you aware that Whatsapp is the biggest messaging app right now in the world and the most popular social media platform in Nigeria?
There are 2.78 billion whatsapp users. That is out of every 100 persons on earth, 10 uses whatsapp

So what about Nigeria

95% of smartphone users have whatsapp installed on it.

That means that a whooping 51 million people freak’n use whatsapp in Nigeria now.

you should probably pay close attention to it.

Here is Nas daily, one of the top content creators moving his business entirely to whatsapp…..

You should know that there is really a gold mine on this app.

Here is also Oloye Akin Alabi Top internet marketer and founder of Nairabet has to say about whatsapp

This means that what you have in your hand right now can make you at least 200k monthly if you properly harness it.
Here is also Caleb, an 8 figure affiliate marketer who used whatsapp to make about N100 million naira
Moving on… i think it’s wise you know me and understand why you should listen to me,
My name is Bamidele

And yes i did not start from the top

I had my fair share of trenches, and I watched sapa devour me like a weak prey.

I used to be a secondary school teacher that earned just 15k every month..

Which will be paid to me after I have borrowed my way into deficit.

So it is safe to say that i was not making any money at all

I had to find a way to increase my income a bit so i will not start begging. So I started doing extra classes with kids yet it wasn’t enough to do anything else aside from feeding.

I had over 6 loan apps on my phone. If Forbes would list the world’s best debtors, I would make it to that list then (lolz)..

Once my salary enters my account, i wouldn’t touch it cos those loan apps would give me terror until i pay immediately.

I tried managing and cutting down expenses but it didn’t work.

That’s when I realized that no matter what!! The best solution to lack is having abundance because the more I try to cut down expenses, the more I had to spend.

This continued not until I started looking for ways to earn more.

For years, i bought courses, tried different techniques they taught me and nothing worked.

I was almost giving up hope until i discovered this secret gold mine, the one i am about to share with you now

I call it the “stop rock whatsapp technique”

with this strategy, i was able to go from making less than 100k a month on whatsapp to making over 1 million+ naira per month consistently for 27+ months now.

And not just me, my students also has been replicating this same results

Not just that, i have been able to travel to different parts of the world fully funded with the money i make from just my whatsapp

This opened my eyes to the massive opportunities whatsapp has

And exposed to me that I have been doing the wrong things for long.

For years i have only been using my whatsapp to catch cruise

send messages to family and friends

Posting aimlessly

And making nothing at the end of the day

But it all changed after I discovered this secret technique I am about to show you right NOW.

I showed this same technique to Mohammed and he was able to make

I also showed it to Abdul, and he was also able to do make 200k in a week

Now it’s your turn
So how exactly does this WhatsApp thing work, and how can I use it to make money?

So first must understand that to make money, there must be an exchange of value.

Which means that you must have something that people need in order for them you give you their hard earned money.

secondly you need a hot ready to buy audience.

You can have the best product ever, but if you show it to uninterested audience, you will end up in frustration because no one will buy from you

and finally you need to learn how to sell to them

But that is just the easy part.
The difficult part is
And that is why I created
The Whatsapp Cashout Formula
This is the secret step to turning your whatsapp to a daily alert machine even if you don’t know anything about social media
Every strategy in this course is easy to understand and implement.
Here’s a sneak peek into everything you’ll get in The Whatsapp Cashout Formula
This Program is divided into 2 sections, each showing you different strategies on how to grow your whatsapp and turn it into cash
Section 1
Section 2
Here is what you will learn;
And so many automation skills that will make you 6 figures monthly

By now..

I know you are eager to get access to this training.

In a moment, I will show you how to get access instantly

Even better, this training is not the only thing i will give you

In fact..

The bonuses I have loaded up for you are worth even more than the main offer.
These are several high converting headline and sales copy that has been used to generate a whole lot of sales and leads, these copy and headline are specifically combine for you as a template so that you will be able to swipe to your taste and use them to generate more leads and sales for your product, you don’t need to hire a copywriter or start having sleeplessness because of a copy, it’s done for you already.
Worth = NGN 30,000
Apart from having access to a headline and sales copy samples that you can swipe anytime, you will also be given access to a software that will help you generate copy anytime. These is an high-end software that helps you to generate hypnotic copy at the click of a button.
Worth = NGN 25,000
A Detailed Training On How To Put Your Business On Google.

More people search for businesses online than anywhere else, so it’s very important to make sure your business is foundable on google when your prospects search for it.

With this training, you will learn how to put your business on google, so that when customers search your name online. It will be very easy for them to find you.

Worth = NGN 10,000

This is a detailed training on how to register your business yourself without giving out kobo to any agent or spending extra.

In this training I will show you how you can also earn an extra income doing it for yourself.

Worth = NGN 20,000
it’s normal for you to have question because you may encounter one or two challenges as a beginner but most course creators are fond of turning the questions down making you look foolish and feeling frustrated over the course but am ready to change that nonsense behaviour in the market place by creating a fully attended support group where you can drop all your questions no matter what it is any day, anytime, I will personally reply to them the moment I see it.
Worth = NGN 35,000
These is another challenges a lot of people face with facebook ads, they got stucked immediately facebook restrict their account because they don’t know the next thing to do but guess what!! I got the solution, i will give you access to my proven ad account recovery formula that you can use to get back any ad account, no matter the years it has been restricted
Worth = NGN 15,000
Now I know you are probably wondering how much this course will cost…

…and in a minute I will show you and you will probably think I have lost my mind…

But one thing you need to understand is that even if you get this course now, it wouldn’t still guarantee you will get results

You have to implement and follow all the steps i outlined, that’s the only way you will get results

Having said that

I wouldn’t beat around the bush telling you this course is N100,000 or N50,000 and all those marketing crab

I will just hit it straight

For today only you can get access to this course for only N5000

Yes you heard me well

You will be gaining access to everything I have known and have helped me and hundreds of my students win big on Whatsapp for just N5000.

Just so you will know, the cost of this program will be going up to N20,000 soon

I wouldn’t tell you it’s today or tomorrow or the next week, it’s up to me to decide that.

But just have in mind it might just be after you click off this page.

So take advantage of this opportunity now and grow your whatsapp to make you millions.

This course is so valuable that I could easily charge N50,000 for this

Yet I have made it available at a very low price so that anyone who is interested can easily get it.

And that’s the best I can do.

But hold on, I’m not done yet.

I have a super special fast action bonus for you worth over 100k but for today only.

This BONUS is called The Daily Cashout method.

This is training for those that want to earn daily with information products.

in this training you will get to learn how to create a low – ticket product that people will rush to buy from you.

you will also learn how to sell outside the country and earn in other currency.

So go ahead and click the bold green button below to gain access to this cash spitting opportunity that will change your finances for good using just your smartphone and whatsapp..

See you on the inside
